Another unique creation from our workshop includes more than twenty diverse play elements, ranging from small swings to two-story 3D mazes.
A towering adrenaline-pumping tower with a stainless steel slide is connected to the 3D maze – a rope park with nets on two levels featuring eight distinct rope obstacles. Crossing a suspended bridge leads to a treehouse and from there to a treetop walkway. The treetop walkway spans several transition platforms, comprises a solid wooden walkway, and is enclosed on all sides with protective nets. Visitors can traverse to the other side of the area above the heads of other visitors into the net crawl space called “Nest.”
The “Nest” together with the Rope Maze form part of our net-based play features. These are net crawl spaces in trees where one can jump, run, or simply relax within the nets. The net play elements are safe, suitable for all age groups, and are always engaging.
The entire area is complemented by an observation platform, allowing parents to be at the heart of the action.