Education Trails

Looking to revitalize your region? Showcase its unique spots and attract the attention they deserve?

We'll create an extraordinary nature trail that captivates visitors of all ages.

Unique Solutions for Unique Locations

Forget about standardized signs. We love coming up with innovative ways to educate and inspire through playful means. Whether it’s captivating informational texts, mechanical interactive elements, or the use of digital technologies for an exceptional visitor experience, we have it all. When constructing nature trails, we combine expertise from experiential education, playground construction, and our own parenting experiences to create trails that both locals and tourists will love to revisit.

Mastery of Popularity

We collaborate with top experts in creating popular nature content and interpretation. We know how to capture the attention of young children, their parents, and even engage bored teenagers.

Adventure, knowledge, movement

Can’t believe it’s possible? We blend nature components with physical activity, creating highly interactive trails that even children who don’t want to learn will enjoy. Alongside interactive informational panels, our trails often feature natural play elements, treehouses, forest mazes, and even outdoor gyms.

We embrace diversity

Captivating Informational Texts

Engaging informational texts can be captivating even for the experts.

We embrace diversity

Mechanical Interactive Elements

An Intriguing Question! Turn, flip, slide, connect, discover the correct answer.

We embrace diversity

Active Station

Walking bores most kids. Let's jump, run, and crawl instead!

We embrace diversity


Unconventional thematic benches, gazebos, navigation elements...

We embrace diversity

Terrain Structures and Cottages

Suspension bridges, walkways, tunnels, and forest cottages.

We embrace diversity

Promotional Items

A magical ball that comes in handy at stations as well as at home for play.

We embrace diversity

Forest Gym

Even adults, whether recreational runners or enthusiastic parents, need to stretch their bodies.

New Spaces and Elements in the Landscape

In addition to the content and design of the nature trail, we also work sensitively with the surrounding landscape. We can select or modify the route that the trail will follow, design thematic structures, navigation elements, or supplementary furnishings. We are also experienced in landscape architecture elements.

From Albatross to a Zebra

Our trails are compact and well-thought-out projects. In addition to planning and content, we can also assist with everything related to marketing and promoting the trail. We can create thematic games, guides, or mascots to guide visitors along the trail, propose suitable forms of promotion, integrate modern technologies, and incorporate gamification elements. We handle the entire production and installation process. We can also enhance existing trails to make them appealing even after years of operation.

Fotogalerie produktu

Projects - Education Trails

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Family parks, s.r.o.
Sladkovského 13
612 00 Brno
The Czech Republic

IN: 05704391 | TIN: CZ05704391

Registered at the Regional Court in Brno, mark C 97472
Sales Department
+420 775 253 944
Office Address
Životského 15
615 00 Brno
The Czech Republic

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